Wednesday, December 28, 2011

25 and Fitastic.

Hello! Viv, Amy, and Christine here. We are 25 and we want to be fit and fantastic. Hence, our blog name :). We are hoping this blog will keep all of us accountable and motivated.

Hola, this is Viv. 2012 is fast approaching and I've found my resolution: To be fit and strong! A little bit about me: I work in Manhattan and live in Jersey (please don't fault me). I love traveling, hiking, and reading. I also love cookies and chocolate cake. Unfortunately, the latter hasn't been so great on my tummy. I've teamed up with my girls to finally FINALLY get my butt in shape and be flat-stomach-ready for my second quarter!

Holler! This is Amy. I just turned 25 and sort of going through quarter life crisis (I mean, I am totally going through quarter life crisis, who am I kidding?). I currently work in the financial industry in Jersey and live in Brooklyn, NY (hey viv, we should switch jobs). I will admit I was never really fit from childhood to now. I was always the chubby kid in the family - not so hard to stand out when my sister and cousins all weighed in at 85lbs at 5'2''. I think I was in the best shape of my life when I was a senior in college. The picture below was probably from my "peak" thus far when I had worked out pretty consistently and ate relatively healthy for a year. It was a lot easier to get/stay in shape back then when I didn't have a sedentary job and limited time. Plus, I had youth on my side. Not that 25 is old, but I definitely feel my body changing and metabolism slowing a bit. This blog was created to really dedicate myself with the help of my lovely partners to keep me/each other accountable. 2012's weightloss/fitness resolution will be resolved. I promise!

Hi there! I have bigger and better goals for 2012. There are many aspects of my life that I feel are pretty balanced but there are two things that I would like to focus on -- my career and health. I have always been thin but I've taken that for granted and the truth is, the look isn't sustainable unless I maintain it in a healthy manner. For 2012, I want to engage in a better lifestyle by eating healthy (huge snacker around 3pm) and finding a job that will turn into my career. On the side, my passion lies in traveling. I'm always planning my next adventure but I believe that life should be filled with meaningful experiences and traveling is my channel. As I have visited many countries in the last 5 years, I plan to take on more challenging adventures (ie. climbing Kilimanjaro, trekking to Everest Base Camp, etc). So join the journey and see what 2012 has to offer...!


  1. Ladies , here’s a quote by Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon Winner:

    "The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed."

    Good luck!!

    This may be a tough test, but I wish you the best for your quest (my resolution is to be a poet)

  2. Aww Vipin!! Very sweet. I like this quote! We'll take it to heart!
