Friday, January 20, 2012

Recap on this week

To make up for being semi-lazy last week, I had to rev it up a bit more this week and was pretty successful, at least by my standards. Here is a schedule of what I did:

Sunday - NADA + Chinese Dinner (no bueno day)
Monday - Elliptical 40 mins
Tuesday - Elliptical 20 mins
Wednesday - Elliptical 20 mins
Thursday - Vinyasa Flow
Friday (today) - Missed my 6:15pm yoga class. No thanks to work...(another no bueno day)
Saturday -  Vinyasa Flow

I was active for 5 of the 7 days during the week which has been the MOST I've ever worked out in years, which I'm ashamed and embarrassed to admit. My goal is to do something active at least 5 days per week.

On Thursday evening after yoga class, I stopped by Trader Joe's and picked up some salad and had it for dinner. I also bought some really delicious spicy peanut dressing last week, which is why I am even able to eat salad (I'm not a salad girl by any means). Unfortunately, I find salads very unfilling and usually end up hungry shortly after...and regretfully snacked on a bag of Pirate Booty Aged White Cheddar puffs (they are so delicious!). Maybe if I had some grilled chicken or some sort of protein, it would have been more filling...


  1. impressive! you can workout with andrew ;)

    just saying ! lol

  2. Good job Amy, keep it up!! Girls, I miss exercising with you! When your yoga month is done, call me! haha
