Monday, January 30, 2012

My January Wrap Up

Wow, it's been 11 days since I updated.  Sadly, I can't recall much but here goes:

Previous Week
Saturday: Let's see, two weekends ago my parents and I celebrated CNY.  I was a big pig that day and it showed, oy.  But it's okay, it's not like you get to celebrate CNY every day.

Sunday: I downloaded this new app which allowed me to follow ab exercises in the comfort and convenience of my home called "Daily Ab Workout Free".  Obviously, there was only one word that enticed me to download it.  I've been doing these short sessions every 2-3 days.

Monday: NYSC has this amazing instructor whose body is superbly toned and strong.  She put us through the ropes hard! We had bars, weights, steppers, and mats; it was all out war.  I love that class though (Total Body Conditioning).  Gotta take her again!

Tuesday - Thursday: I just remembered that I was so sore from the class.  I relaxed and only did 5min ab sessions the rest of the week.

Weekend Again
Friday: Did the steppers for an hour straight, trying to work on my backside.

Saturday: Woke up super early at 9am to eat breakfast before heading to Zumba and Pilates at my Mom's gym.  I found out pretty quickly that my Mom is pretty uncoordinated; this explains my own clumsiness.  I was quite horrible doing the confusing salsa footwork but I get by.  The Zumba trainer used to be a size 16, now she's this cut chic with abs, all from doing Zumba for 2 years.  She's super passionate at what she does and it shows in her students whom get just as energetic as her - there were lots of whooping and oh yeas heard in the classroom.
If Zumba didn't do us in, Pilates did.  My Mom and I pretty much cried in pain from the intense Pilates moves.  Could. Not. Keep. Up.  I crashed when I got back home.

Sunday: It was Saturday night but technically Sunday morning.  Girlfriends and I danced until 4am in the morning at Slate.  Brunch at a Hawaiian place in Brooklyn, walking and shopping in Soho.  Much needed therapy completed. =P

Monday (today): I'm lazy, 5min ab session.

January 2012 Wrap Up
Throughout this month, I did not gain or lose weight; I've basically stayed consistent.  But I'm okay with that, as long as I'm trying out new classes and getting a bit stronger, a bit healthier. I'm by far not close to where I want to be, but as someone always said, "It's not a sprint, it's a marathon."  =)

1 comment:

  1. wow. good stuff. you're staying extremely active. will need to try those zumba classes soon!
