Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Taking Shape!

Although we didn't have a weigh-in, I can feel the changes to my body from the last couple of weeks of working out. For one thing, my butt is starting to take shape. (woot!) It used to be really flat but I've started to notice that it's getting a bit round (and I like it!!). I'm curious to know if I've lost weight because I've been pretty good about my diet -- fruits/bagel/coffee for breakfast, soup for lunch, mama's cooking for dinner, and lots of water. The only thing missing is going to bed early so I can get rid of the dark circles. Any quick fixes/recommendations for getting rid of dark circles? O_O

I've gone to Yoga three times so far and my goal is go 15x (~4/week). should be interesting the next couple of weeks. challenge me and see what happens. :)

love the color of my new yoga mat (it's ultra thin) + the massive impulse sale shopping w/ Amy


  1. I did not make it to yoga today. you know when you have one of those days where you dont want to do anything....bah

  2. Crsie I love the mat! and that top, muy bonita!
    @Amy I hear ya, yesterday was not my day. Sometimes, we just gotta stop for a little so we can start again reenergized. =P
