Monday, January 9, 2012

Yoga Challenge

Well, on the topic of Yoga, Christine and I purchased a deal of one month unlimited yoga at YogaWorks for $49 with a $25 gift card. We both started our first class this past Friday, 1/6 at the Union Square location. We took the 6:15pm class so I jetted out of work at 5:30pm. The class was....dare I say, easy? Maybe because most of our yoga classes have been in some sort of heat, be it Hot Vinyasa or Traditional Hot Yoga/Bikram, this one felt easy. A bit too chill for my liking. I was a bit bored and almost fell asleep at one point! Even regular vinyasa flow at YTTP St. Marks location would have me breaking a sweat. I did not sweat at all on Friday and trust me, I sweat easily.

I plan on doing yoga at YogaWorks at a minimum of 2x a week. Hopefully more to get my money's worth :) I went Saturday as well for the 1:45pm class. Unfortunately Christine could not join me because her lazy butt did not wake up until 1pm. I think she went to a later class though :) I plan on going every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday until my membership expires (Sunday, 2/5/12).

For my $25, I used it on my very first official yoga towel. I've been using regular bath towels but now I feel like a legit yogi :D I sweat a lot and have clamy hands and feet so a towel is quite useful for me when I do yoga. It has little beads on the bottom to prevent slipping! The best part is that the very first one I was attracted to was this bright orange color which happened to be 40% off retail of $60 (hefty IMO for a towel!). So lucky! :) I ended up supplementing another $14 bucks for the towel for a total cost of $39 with tax.

Yogitoe-tally Yours,


  1. Awesome color choice. Looks great and you don't need worry about the "yellowing" effect...

    1. Oh wow, I can reply to your reply, didn't realize that. Tommy, were you being sarcastic??

  2. hahah your signoff is cute! I actually think the teachers @YogaWorks are really well trained/experienced. Their method of teaching is very effective. Even though I've gone to two very basic classes, I'm pretty sore the following day. They must be doing something right. But you're right in terms of the challenge, I'm definitely not breaking a sweat.

    Really funny: the yoga teacher pumped up the heat b/c a yoga guru says you're not working the body unless you're sweating (guess you're always working). Then a student comments, 'well the guru wasn't going through menopause.' LOL :: awkward ::

    The crowd is so different from YTTP. YogaWorks has an older/mature crowd and YTTP is filled with hippies. I like hippies b/c sometimes I think I am one too! lol
