Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cheers to a Fitastic 2012!

Happy New Year!!! I am so excited for the fresh year for new beginnings and new challenges. Clearly fitness is one of our top priorities. I know it will be challenging when things get busy and we are all trying to juggle a million and one things, but we need to keep in mind that health is arguably #1. Without health, we cannot do any of the things we do day to day. However challenging this will be, I also believe it is going to be a lot of fun because we are doing it together. I trust that even if we have to drag our feet to yoga class, we will feel amazing physically and mentally, and thank ourselves in the end :)

Vivian and I were supposed to meet for the 2pm Hot Vinyasa class at the 38th Street location. Diana wanted to do it too but she wanted to aim for the 10am/12pm class. Being that yesterday was NYE, I knew that wasn't going to happen :). Hey, at least I was being realistic. Vivian couldn't make it so I ended up by myself.  To my surprise (and delight), the class was pretty empty! I thought it was going to be packed with everyone's new year resolutions. Guess everyone had a little too much fun last night!

I ate relatively healthy today. I wasn't hungry for most of the morning and afternoon because I ate so much pasta last night at 3am. Eeeeeek! So far, I had an apple, 3 strawberries (they were awkwardly bitter), some (by some I mean like 12) chicken cilantro MINI wontons (from Costco), and snacked on some ricesnack things and Special K out of the box (Mom, can you please buy some milk??). We are having hotpot tonight so that's going to be a wrap. I'll try to stay away from having too much fatty beef :) I don't want to deprive myself of all yummy things - it's about the balance.

Cheers to 2012!

P.S. - I had an amazing New Years. Thanks for the party invite Christine<3 (and Kevin)


  1. So sorry I couldn't make it. My phone died and I was stuck in Brooklyn. But I am down for yoga next week, you girls in? HAPPY New Year!!

  2. le sigh... you should have just went with me. we could have done 90 minutes and become sexy sweaty beast right after! and go for brunch... which i did.. yummmmmmmm

  3. I woke up when you called me! Good thing you called or I would have missed the 2pm one hehe!

    Omg, I had no one to eat with after!! Sigh.

  4. where are the photos of the truffle balls?
